
Bloke's Tipping Rules


1.1  As long as you know me (Markus) and like having fun bagging and bantering, then you are welcome. Also to make it fun in your family and circle of friends you can invite someone that you know as well, but that person can’t invite friends and family further out. 

2.2  People under 18 are eligible to enter, but by law all money is to be handled by a Parent or Guardian. 


2.1   The cost for the competition is $50 for the season plus $10 if you join the Knock Out Comp which works out to about $2 per round. Full season payment must be paid no later than round 3. Failure to have payment made by Round 5 will result in a temporary suspension from entering your tips.

2.2   You are officially a tipper and must pay season payments after you have signed up.

2.3   $10 - $15 per tipper from the season kitty will go into the End of Season Tipping Party


Direct Bank Deposit:

Bank: BOQ
Account Name: Markus Graham
BSB: 127850
Account No. 22487512 

Reference: Your Name



3.1 Your tips must be submitted before the specified start time of each round. The site will close after this time has passed and you cannot enter your tips.

3.2 Tips that have not been submitted will receive points for the number of away games that win for that round minus 1 point.

3.3 Tippers that forget to tip and receive default points cannot win the round when the amount of away games equals or results in a higher score than the highest legitimate tipper. The maximum points for NON-tippers is 7 points.

3.4 The Points Margin is for the FIRST GAME of each Round. 

3.5 WILD CARD can only be used ONCE. Use the Wild Card when you are confident you will do well for a round to double your points. 

3.6 After submitting tips you will be sent to a TIPPING CONFIRMATION page for confirmation of your submission. If you see this page, then you have successfully entered your tips for that round. If you do not see this page after submitting, then please go back and submit your tips again. You can Log In any time to change your tips before the close of the round. 

3.7 If you cannot submit you tips on the internet before cutoff time then you can SMS your tips through to me. Please note that you will only be allowed to do this twice per tipper for the season, after that you will have to miss the round. 

3.8 A copy of my tips will be sent to a nominated person to confirm and validate my round tips.


1 point for every correct tip

2 points for correctly tipping ALL winning teams

1 point for guessing the correct point’s margin

A TOTAL of 12 points can be achievable.


            A DRAW will be treated as a Win


WILD CARD - You receive double the points for your combined correct points and bonus points. 

The Weekly winner is determined by the most correct tips and closest points margin. This does not include total points gained from using a WILD CARD e.g if you got 7 correct tips and closest points margin, another tipper got 6 correct tips, but used the Double Up and scored 12, you still win the round with the 7 correct tips.



Round 21 and 22 will be treated as BLIND ROUNDS. 

The results for these two rounds will remain hidden and will be announced along with the Season Winners at the End of Season Party.


The entry fee is a once-off $10.00 

The prize is $10.00 multiplied by the number of KO competitors.

Each week you must pick one definite winner. If your team wins then you play again in the next round, if your team loses then you're OUT of the Comp. The last person standing is the winner

1 week must pass before you can pick the same team.
1 week must pass before you can pick against the same team.

A draw will be treated as a win.



Results are entered and calculated either Sunday Night or Monday morning.


8.  PRIZES: 

Prize money will be calculated after round 1, once the number of tippers have been confirmed. All prize money for weekly winners and season winners will be calculated and presented to each tipper at the end of season BBQ or after the Grand Final.



Bloke’s Footy Tipping is a non-profit competition and all money received will be returned in Prize Money, Gifts, Food & Drinks throughout the Season and at the End of Year Party.