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Bloke's Footy Tipping 2024

Competition Summary

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Top 10 Tippers
1st Bosworth, Tribe of 4
2nd Jones, Nicole 3
2nd Parker, Trevor 3
2nd Reid, Chris 3
5th Baker, Fonz 2
5th Graham, Markus 2
5th Mallinson, Aaron 2
8th Bosworth, Mathew 1
8th Graham, Scott 1
10th , Bloke 0

Results for Games in Round 25
Port Adelaide 54 lost to Geelong 138
W. Bulldogs 62 lost to Hawthorn 99
Sydney 88 defeated GWS Giants 82
Brisbane 99 defeated Carlton 71

Fixtures for Round 26
Closes Fri 13/9/2024 19:20